Chapter 1298 Marigold’s True Spirit

--- Kat ---

March gave a firm nod and said. "It seems I underestimated you, Marigold. You show true spirit!" 

"Well, I'd prefer to have body, but I guess I can take spirit as a consolation prize," said Marigold wistfully. 

*Oh god there's two of them.*

[We nearly had three. So don't you start.]

*I am not that bad.*

[Kat… remember the time… oh, just a few days ago where you tried to learn how to hide your wings so you could go to the science fair more easily?]

*That wasn't progress for progress' sake, that was for Sylvie. It's completely different.*

[I don't believe you.]

"You are still very easily distracted," grumbled March folding her arms across her front, which had the side effect of pushing her chest to be more prominently displayed.