Chapter 1306 World on Fire

--- Kat ---

Kat and Lily spent a bit more time going over some of their past adventures until Kat decided it was time to change the topic. "So Burnice have you got any fun stories for us?" 

"You do realise that I'm on the same team as Marigold and Vanya right? You didn't forget that?" retorted Burnice. 

"Yeah but surely you have your own favourites?" said Kat. 

Burnice was about to retort as a thought came to her and she realised Kat was right, "Yes, I suppose I can tell you the story of the crazy pyromancer!" 

"Wait," interrupted Kat. "If this is traumatising you don't have to," 

Burnice burst out into laughter, "Oh, oh no, no, it's not traumatising at all, it's pretty funny actually," 

"Yeah I can't believe I forgot about that guy. It's probably funnier then my own story," added Marigold.