Chapter 1324 The Win In Sight

--- Kat ---

"So… don't answer this if you don't want to, but how bad is it? The aftereffects you're experiencing?" said Kat as she gestured at Gareth, currently being fed by Green.

"Hmm…" Gareth gave a hum as he glanced over at Green who smiled back and gestured towards his mouth. Gareth took the offered bite and chewed on the question for a few moments. 

Seeing this Kat added, "I know when Lily was sick she was quite happy to have me around. Granted I know now that's because she enjoyed me doting on her in a more… intimate manner then she was used to. We were just friends back then you see. I just thought she was happy I cared enough to come over but well…" Kat finished her thought with a shrug.