Chapter 1327 Kress’ Worries

--- Kat ---

Kress strutted down the stairs wearing an open chested Hawaiian shirt and pants combo, with his hair slicked bag and a huge smile on his face. When he spotted the group out of the corner of his eye, he changed direction from the front door to everyone else, "Hey guys, I've already eaten in my room so I'm good to- Oh my god what happened to you!" said Kress, shock on his face. 

Nixilei made a rude gesture in Kress direction as Green explained, "Nixilei was up all night with Asteodia," Nixilei transferred her rude gesture over to Green who just grinned back completely unrepentant. 

"Right…" said Kress carefully, not wanting to get on the bad side of a cranky Nixilei bit really wanting to give her shit for it like Green clearly already had. The two parts of Kress' brain warred with each other, fighting for dominance.