Chapter 1350 Tresure for Four Part 1

--- March --- (Just after entering the portal) 

March looked around confused at the landscape. It looked like a perfectly normal beach from where she was standing. A few palm trees off in the distance, waves lapping against the sand. March waved a hand through the 'air' and noticed a slight resistance, but for someone of her strength that's all it was. Slight. *Am I really underwater?* March let out a big puff of air all at once sending a swarm of bubbles out of her mouth. 

*That confirms that I'm underwater… but why does everything look like we're still on the beach?* March walked over to the beach, a bit surprised that she could walk over. Once she was at the edge of the 'water' March bent down and dipped her hand into whatever it was. She instantly felt the resistance. It was syrupy, and seemed to cling to her hand, though it didn't quite feel sticky. It was more like the liquid was grabbing onto her hand as best it could.