Chapter 1388 An Offer with No Catch

--- Lily --- 

Once Thyme dismissed everyone with a request to meet up at breakfast the next day for the final verdict, Kat grabbed Lily and sprinted away. Sure she'd already spoiled Lily a tad, but it wasn't nearly enough. Plus… Kat had been a bit worried. Even with Thyme watching over Lily there were quite a few moments that had Kat worried. So Kat took off towards a nice spot under the shade. It was more towards the centre of the island with proper dirt and grass instead of sand. 

Once Kat found a good spot she sat down and then let Lily go. Lily had been a bit shocked at getting carried off in a princess carry, but she wasn't worried. Once Kat let her down she just shifted slightly so that her head was resting on Kat's thighs. Kat started to run her fingers through Lily's hair once Lily got comfortable, "You did a great job Lily. I'm proud of you," said Kat. 

"Hey I'm not a kid," pouted Lily. "You don't have to talk to me that way…"