Chapter 1394 Shopping for Prizes

--- Lily --- 

Once Thyme had vanished, a few signs were left in their place. The first was a countdown for selecting the treasures, another was a big arrow with 'Forms here' written on it. In front of that sign was a table with the aforementioned forms. The final sign read 'If you need to speak with Thyme, ask the receptionist to set up an appointment' 

For now though? Everyone in the group had decided to go for breakfast, most of the other teams had decided the same thing. Lily picked out the best smelling bits of fish she could get her hands on while Kat grabbed a fruit platter. Once they had their food in hand, the pair found one of the larger tables and started to wait for everyone else to get here. 

"So… going vegan or something?" asked Lily. "I don't think I've seen you grab much meat in… quite a while actually,"