Chapter 1430 Need More Paper

--- Kat --- 

Mermr clapped their hands together, drawing attention to the fact that they were… sort of half webbed. No that wasn't quite right. Still each finger had a bit of stretchy connected skin that extended up to the first knuckle. All except the thumb it seemed. "Where are my manners. Let me properly introduce my assistance, Mzmr," Mermr pointed to the female priest "and Mekmr" Mermr switched the other male priest. "Now… we can have you look over the contract and head out… though. Do all three of you need to sign it, or only Kamiko?"

"You still haven't told us what the contract is," said Kat as she combed through her memories to try and figure out the answer to the question. Seeing there was none, Kat poked D.E.M.O.N.S for the answer.

Only User Kamiko is required to agree to the contract but it will not bind User Kat or User Hunter 23HX443 to the terms stated or written. The Summoner in question may be able to tell the difference.