Chapter 1448 Slight Diversion

--- Kat --- 

It was early into the next morning when the group all stopped in place. Well, as best they could. Kat was able to simply flare her wings and stop with Lily in her arms but not everyone was so lucky. Kamiko had to stop her horse, and without wanting to simply yank on the reigns she had to let him continue forward for a bit longer. Hunter decided not to destroy the road with her attempts to stop so she continued forward and wrapped her lower body around a nearby tree, throwing herself back towards Kat and landing softly nearby.

The reason for this sudden stop was the sound of something falling nearby. Now that Kat was paying attention it seemed to be more than that. The sounds of combat were mixed in as well. While Kamiko was making her way back Hunter said, "Kat and I should investigate. I believe Lily and Kamiko should remain here on the road,"

"Why?" asked Kat mostly out of reflex.