Chapter 1455 Hunter Recovering

--- Kat --- 

*Lily, any advice?*

[Eh… I don't know. I already suggested that you wait until this whole thing is dealt with… though I also understand how we got here. Pushing Hunter like that could have backfired but she's pretty reasonable… if a bit secretive. As for what you should do now? I'd say just leave it. Hunter is… stubborn feels like the wrong word but I guess it's close enough. She's firm with her decisions and I think you've pushed enough. Honestly I'm not sure we would've gotten even this much if you'd waited… but by that same token I'm not sure we can get any more information from her later. I imagine she'll say she talked about it with you already and doesn't need to repeat herself.]

*That's… not ideal but I suppose I don't have any other ideas. Does Kamiko know? And if so does she have ideas to share?*