Chapter 1472 Calm. Café. Crying?

--- Sylvie ---

Sylvie was shaking heavily, blood was pounding in her ears and she didn't know what she wanted to do. She- Sylvie found her frenzied thoughts lashing out as she felt someone pull her into a hold… only to immediately relax as Vivian's strawberry perfume hit her nose. Sylvie shivered and pulled herself deeper into the hug. Vivian might not be the best at hugs, that honour went to Kat, but she certainly wasn't complaining right now. "Thanks…" mumbled Sylvie into Vivian's shoulder.

"Sorry Sylvie," said Alice as she saw the state her friend was in.

Immediately followed by, Penny's response of "Why are you apologising? I don't think we did anything wrong?"

Alice looked over at Penny and thought for a few seconds. "Um… hmm… well I mean… Sylvie is clearly upset… and I think it might be the right thing to do? I… don't really know?"