Chapter 1508 Guardian of the Morning

--- Lily ---

Kamiko did actually find some tracks once she got sweeping… but it took quite a while and it was decided as a group that they'd turn in for the night and look into things in the morning. Kat took the first, and largest shift, staying awake for a further six hours watching… and then it was Lily that took over afterwards. "Are you sure about this?" asked Kat.

"Yes. I'm the only one in the group that can sleep during the day, and you already know I trust you enough to sleep while I'm being carried around. I might sleep a lot of the time but I also dream a lot during that and get plenty of ideas so I can't say it's time wasted. At the end of the day, I am not just a cat and I can deal with having to stay awake for a while. Besides, it's only two hours Kat. Everyone else needs the sleep more," said Lily firmly.