Chapter 1518 Passing Messages

--- Lily ---

Lily quickly realised she was being silly. She was a paper mage, and while she currently lacked the mana to summon large amounts of paper, her storage ring contained plenty. More then plenty. In truth, when Lily investigated she found a veritable mountain of paper inside of her storage ring, perhaps enough to crush the drake from the weight alone. For a few moments Lily contemplated using that to take out the drake somehow… but doubted it would work. Sure it was a lot of paper but it wasn't dense or special, just present in large quantities.

So with that known, Lily and Kamiko decided to sneak over to Bower, talk with him for a bit, see if they could come up with an idea, or two, and then send a paper with a message on it towards Hunter. Kat could be contacted over the link, and then everyone would be on the same page.