Chapter 1565 Planning Space

--- Kamiko --- (Morning Day 7)

"… so any ideas what that could mean old man?" asked Meg, ignoring the fact that Kamiko was back on her shoulders already.

"Hmm… I'd guess that the compass is trying to take us to the centre of the forest. I've tried ta find it myself a time or too but I always ended up missing it. Either ending up on the wrong end of the forest instead, or getting turned around. I had assumed it would've been more subtle then that… but at the same time I didn't notice the change. I wonder how it's being done? I didn't notice the transitions and hadn't realised we'd been turned around at all," confessed Bower with a bit of a sad shrug.

"Well what good are you as a guide then?" grumbled Meg. "Isn't it your job to be able to help us with stuff like this?"