Chapter 1588 Break Glass in Case of Drakes

--- Hunter ---

The discussion from there moved away after a casual grumbling about having seen the movie on the screen before. Hunter did learn that the servers had been corrupted AND replaced with better backups now. They didn't seem worried so there was likely some way to replace the parts. Hunter wasn't sure how easy that was but considering that the theatre here seemed to be in good condition that made sense. Somehow things were getting replaced.

Still it wasn't quite relevant so Hunter signed to Meg, "What should we do?"

"Kill them?" signed Meg back.

Hunter rolled her eyes and signed, "No I mean should we stay here and listen? We know the objective was in the pool and that got moved to a nearby room afterwards for storage. We could likely find it without too much issue as such a large amount of treated water has a distinct smell. We can easily follow the scents from there to find the drake part…