Chapter 1592 Cracking the Ice

--- Kamiko ---

"… and that's everything we picked up," finished Hunter. Meg was off to the side with a clipboard and glasses for reasons Kamiko didn't understand and Bower was dutifully ignoring. Hunter hadn't even noticed.

"So what is it your suggesting here?" asked Bower.

"Kill them all?" asked Meg with a grin.

"Stop trying to turn that into a joke," grumbled Bower. "We all know you were serious the first time. Repeating it every time it's vaguely applicable will not turn it into a running gag, nor make us forget that you mean what you're saying." Once done with that Bower turned back to Hunter.

"I was mostly hoping for you input. This is your world after all," said Hunter.

"What I'm hearing is that you want to push this decision onto me," grumbled Bower.