Chapter 1625 Kicked into Gear

--- Kat ---

Once Corela was bundled up, pushed through the instant-wash and dressed in pyjamas they carried her off to a spare room. Malt 'mysteriously' vanished for a few minutes during the changing process and Kat was actually a touch impressed that he managed to return just a few moments after they were done. Perhaps she missed some kind of hidden signal between him and the twins, but it was something to keep in mind.

With Corela off sleeping Kat wasn't sure what to do… until she noticed Meg at the end of the hallway. Meg beckoned them over as she said, "I've got some information that I need to share with my group. If you wish to continue hanging out you can arrange a meeting place for later,"

Kat grimaced and glanced backwards, "Um… what are your plans for the rest of the day?"