Chapter 1650 And into the Frying Pan

--- Kat ---

Kat looked at the Forest Village walls wondering how she ended up on the list for meeting with the mayor. Hunter had just vanished once the topic was raised, Meg used not having met them before as an excuse to avoid the job, and Kat wasn't going to push it off onto Kamiko… so that meant she'd be heading into town with Lily. *EXCEPT LILY ISN'T HERE!*

Kat couldn't help but pout at that fact. She'd tried and failed to wake up her girlfriend this morning… but apparently needing to be active and paying attention to everything for days on end and through the night on occasion had caught up to Lily. Once they'd exited the mist, Lily had relaxed massively and after falling asleep she hadn't bothered waking up. Sure Kat wasn't as forceful as she necessarily could've been… but forcing the issue would've been harder emotionally.