Chapter 1656 Cross that Bridge

--- Kat ---

After they finished up with the break and got moving again Kat couldn't help but see mushrooms everywhere. Now that she knew the trees were mushrooms it was almost as if something had been unlocked in her head. There were mushrooms EVERYWHERE. Like that rock they stopped to use? Kat was pretty sure that had been a mushroom. She hadn't sat down on it or tested things… but she noticed several nearly identical 'rocks' as they travelled and Kat was assuming they were mushrooms now…

But that wasn't the end of it. Oh no. Firstly, just under the snow were plenty of little mushrooms just everywhere. The long spindly ones. Lily informed Kat they were called 'Enoki' or at least, the closest equivalent back on earth was anyway. It didn't end at just having mushroom stalks everywhere, soon Kat noticed that there were mushrooms growing on the 'trees' as well. Mushrooms on top of other mushrooms.