Chapter 1674 A Longer Moment

--- Lily ---

Lily blinked and realised that at some point Kat had started to move her around off to the side. "Um… Kat?" asked Lily.

Just those two words were enough for Kat to answer the mostly unspoken question. "Lily this is a public venue and we were standing in the very, very small entrance. Look, you can see a few other people around if you pay attention,"

Lily pouted at the amusement in Kat's voice as she looked around and saw Kat was correct. The 'glass' bridge had a few other couples on it off in the distance. The cavern really was huge when you considered what it was. The bridge had a bunch of corners and stretched out fairly close to the edges. There were around five couples that Lily could see… but there was one group of four people. She didn't know if that was two couples who had come together or if it was a set of four.