Chapter 1672 Mountains of Pebbles

--- Kat ---

Meg had spent some more time grilling Curl but for all the worlds he said… no new information really came up. Oddly insightful he might be but Curl was no seer and simply didn't have much information about the bandits in question. Judging by the expression on Drl's face though… he probably did.

This was proven true when the team left the tavern, with Meg requested a lead on a place to say. The Rickey Tavern might be remarkably well put together in contrast to its name and first impression but it was very much a place to drink. The upper level was just where the bartender lived apparently so there was no rooms to rent.

Thankfully Drl and Dav both knew plenty of places to check for rooms. Rooms they should all have. They were leading the way when Meg asked, "So what do you know about these bandits?"