--- Kat ---

"Strdl… Strdl… Strdl… you never could understand my grand visions. I did test you on occasion, subtly trying to see if you could see things my way but you were far too… honourable," Not spat the word like it was a curse. "You're so loyal that I was tempted to just let you be you know? Hope that loyalty would carry us through. I mean, I am pretty great but you were only ever loyal to my mask. And once it cracked? Well there were no guarantees.

*Right so we're just letting him monologue then?*

[Well first off. It's only polite. Second off Hunter has already vanished and he hasn't noticed. Not sure when or if she's going to act but I'm sure it'll work out.]

*Huh, so she has. I wonder what she's off doing?*