--- Kat ---
Kat looked up, and up, and up. They'd teleported into the mall and been dropped at a big plaza in the centre of the building suspended over a layer of glass that meant you can look up or down as much as you wanted. Kat's gaze had turned upwards and never left it. A seemingly endless line of shops that just kept going. Even with Kat's extremely good eyes she couldn't see the end. That included using demonic energy to make the attempt.
"It's a loop," said Lily from beside Kat.
"What?" asked Kat confused.
"It's a loop. It's not actually endless. It's… somewhere between fifteen and twenty floors and then it loops back around to the bottom because of enchantments. Well, I think we're in the middle so it's more like there's ten floors above us and ten floors bellow but that's just a guess at the numbers. Sort of hard to tell from a distance where things line up with my eyes," explained Lily.