Chapter 1744 Dress to Impress Part 1

--- Kat ---

The inside of the store was a small box with a door in the back, obviously leading to more stuff. The counter had a shadowy figure behind it. They weren't a standard Sloth shadow but a more solid humanoid figure that seemed to have shadows wafting off of… her? She even had clothes that obviously hung around her frame though it was just a boring uniform for the store. It made her look a bit like a flight attendant. She didn't really have facial features so much as she had glowing eyes and a slight line of light for a mouth but no visible nose.

The figures eyes widened in recognition at Sue. "Hey Sue, got some new people for once? It's been a while since I saw you last,"

"Yeah I… I think I've got some proper friends for once Estell," answered Sue. "So… one private room for the four of us please. How's work been going?"

"Sure, sure, just no funny business," said Estell.

"Hey, that wasn't me and I DID try to stop them," retorted Sue.