--- Kat --- (Three days Later)
After spending a day hanging out with the demon girls Kat dedicated her time to Sylvie for the most part. This involved playing board games, and usually loosing. Sometimes Callisto and Vivian would jump in as well. Of course, that was mostly on Sunday. When Monday came it was time for Sylvie to head back to school and there was only a short time in the afternoon to play. Kat and Lily spent the time Sylvie was at school testing out the storage ring… and it seemed to work?
Callisto had packed them a few lunches, Lily had finally gotten around to copying her magic books and threw them in as well. Then there was supplies for camping… but getting quality outside of the Hub seemed unlikely so all they ended up with was an old sleeping bag of Callisto's that didn't get used anymore. They'd try to keep it in one peace.