
The bell tolled three times. As the third ring finished the Sprites scattered about the ancient ruins gathered encircling the crystal. They span around the crystal like moths to the flame.

Suddenly the crystal glowed brightly. A light shot up into the sky. Every Sprite gathered around the light formed into a single mass.

The swirling mass of Sprites took on a form. Creating something that resembling a ghostly, faceless creature with three pairs of wings, and bright piercing eyes. It's body was elongated, and appeared to be constantly spiraling; twisting as if it were made of dust, or ash. The shifting of the the sprites that made up it's body gave it the same air as a specter, or revenant, a creature of death.

"Welcome players to the start of this grand event. Welcome to the world of fairies event," Its voice was male, and it echoed unnaturally loud, eerie, and booming.