Boss - The Flare Eyes III

My avatar body crashed striking the ground, I laid there unable to move.

Though I couldn't just sit here. Even though the pain wracked my body I had to move, I had to get going.

I watched my «Stamina» bar refill in those brief few seconds that seemed to drag on and on. About seven seconds later my «Stamina» finally return to normal levels. pushing away I jumped back as the boss struck with an overhead downward chop.

Putting distance between the boss and myself, I turned my palm upward, then moved my thumb across my palm bringing up a quick item inventory.

Using my index finger I shuffled through my limited supply of items bringing up the item called the [Diamond Cymatha Flask]. double tapping my palm with my thumb the flask materalized in my hand. swiftly taking a swig my health was immediately restored along with my strength.

I felt a surge of vigor and bravery, foolhardy perhaps but I had to try my luck, test my mettle. I charged headfirst towards the boss in what could only be described as the most idiotic decision i've ever made.