Boss - The Flare Eyes V

Realizing that there was no way I could defeat the boss at this point, as swiftly as possible moved out of the boss's reach.

As quickly as I could I scanned the area while keeping the boss out beyond its weapons reach.

carefully I avoided the Boss's attacks while keeping my eyes peeled for some sort of escape. Then I noticed Directly across from where I entered the boss room, directly left of the giant door, was a pathway lit by many sprites.

moving away from the boss I dodged, rolled and avoided each attack while slowly making my way towards the next path. Within a few meters of the path I backed away and sprinted towards the exit path.

Suddenly I felt something move through me. Then I felt a surging pain so great it paralyzed me.

I couldn't move or scream in pain.

I turned my head just enough to see the boss holding a white sword of light. It extended roughly three times past the length of its glaive.

I watched my «Health Bar» reduce to zero. the boss had cut clean through me. I collapsed to my knees watching my own «Avatar Body» turn to dust.