Something to be Found

After I finished my business with the Forge Tech, I turned to the person in the robes. The «NPC» was turned away from me with their face and body covered wearing dark blue robes.

Approaching them there was no prompt to start a dialogue. The «NPC» did not react to my presence, but as I got closer I could hear something, a slight mutter, a soft whisper of a woman's voice.

I leaned in as close as I could listening as best I could. At first I could only make out a few words but the more I listened the clearer it became.

"What is the strength of a soul? This land and it's twisted, its inhabitants seeks to consume every soul. This miasma seeks to burn everything within its reach. There must be something to protect the soul, no strengthen the soul within this cursed land, there has to be. I'm sure, I'm sure it is somewhere in this land it has to be."

I turned to XueLian who just shrugged her shoulder.

The only thing I could think was that it was something related to a quest or event.