A Dangerous Situation

A [level 10] NPC, you're kidding me, right? The average level of the monsters in this area was level two or three. What really made this situation bad was the area level.

Within the game each area was given a specific level, the area levels affect two things: the player's level and the monster's level. The area level sets the max level any player or monster can be at within the area, with a degree of flexibility involved.

The precise calculations involved are unknown, but the level of the player and their equipment is reduced by a certain percentage the higher it is above the set level.

However, monsters are affected differently. Monsters could appear that matched or even exceed the area level up to two levels higher. These monsters are known as yellow bar or slayer monsters. Rare monsters that could potentially destroy items instead of breaking them and double the loss of durability on any item. Defeat could potentially destroy all item held and double the amount of levels lost.

The worst part is that the monster gains a unique star boost proportionate to its higher level.

This area level is a [level 5] area, a beginning zone.