The Moonlight Dance II

Within the light of the moon of dance of death began.

The knight attacked Enraged by pain, health ticking away second by second; it's health drop fifteen by fifteen with every tick.

As a sort of counter to this Enraged knight it's movement speed, attack speed and even strength seemed to increase. In light of this I could only dodge and dive away from each attack. I only blocked when there was not chance to avoid the attacks.

Each attempt at blocking destroyed my stamina and each block ate at my health. When I found myself able to attack, each attack barely did anything, at most one or two points.

I was outclassed. My only hope was to lure it back within the light, engaging the knight again. To put distance between me and it and move around its wild flailing.

My health at this point was nearly half and his barely a quarter gone.

I had to repeat it over and over again, enraging, dodging, and blocking; attacking blocking and dodging, healing when I got the chance. Each time I gained a bit more a bit more confidence.

Yet despite how well I was doing there was one fatal flaw.