A Wicked Smile

It was a feeling, a thought, a strange feeling I had as I made my way back to the town.

"Moonlight." I stated.

"What?" Xuelian asked.

"I think moonlight hurts the monsters. I won because the NPC kept taking damage under the moonlight. You should go now while the moon is up. Though I also think it makes them more aggressive so be careful."

"I see."

Xuelian looked like she thought on it for a moment, then suddenly she made another twisted smile that scared me even more than the first one.

It really was like she was looking forward to the fight, like she wanted a strong fight, more than anything.

"You know, you're right, I think I will go now. Please wait for me," she waved to me as she quickly walked away. "I'll be back in a bit." she stated.

Then I saw her materialize a spear in her left hand. That's right she was a spear user before this. Since she's forged a weapon, she's more comfortable with she may not have much trouble. Still, I can't help but be worried.

Though I can't lie her smile scares me a bit.

Not much more I can do; I might as well upgrade my gear.