The Strong

"I need players to help me collect materials to jump start my business again. At least until the event concludes."


"What's in it for you? Well name your price. What do you want? I'm a bit on the desperate side and in need of some help. I'm only making this offer to a few players about ten to fifteen. Too many and it becomes a bit troublesome. So, what do you say?"


"Good, now name your price."

As I was about to speak up, an idea formulating in my head, I received a {New Message} prompt. The message was from Xuelian, she said that she had finished her fight and was on her way back.

"Oh, waiting on a friend?"

"No, more like an acquaintance, we decided to partner up."

"I see smart move, but back to the topic."

I had a thought, if Cyrus was looking for strong players, then I'm sure Xuelian is as strong as they come.

"Hey, would you mind waiting till my partner gets here, I want her to hear this too."

"Look I get it, you want to help her out, but I'm only interested in strong players."

"She is."

"Yeah right."