A Deal on the Table

After a little convincing, Cyrus was giving the same offer to Xuelian.

After messaging Xuelian, we waited for her. It wasn't a long wait, but it felt like forever due to my inability to make small talk. So, we sat there for about ten minutes, in silence.

Out the corner of my eye I saw her walk in. She waved at me; I waved back.

There was a big smile on her face. She sat down next to me.

"Look I did it, I won!" She said with enthusiasm.

Taking out her crystal, she held it out in her palm. In her palm it just floated.

"Great job!"

I gave her a thumbs up and a smile; she smiled back and replied with a thumbs up.

With a slight cough, Cyrus bought our attention to the conversation.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Song, Xuelian. My name is Cyrus Ainsworth."

"Oh, I see."

Suddenly the excited, though cute look her face disappeared. It was replaced with an annoyed yet hesitant look.

"No need to be like that I'm not here to bother you; well, you and Tsubasa." Cyrus then gave me a sly grin. "I'm here to offer a deal."