Sealing the Deal

After the forty-five minutes passed, the Xuelian and I walked back inside. At the table sitting in a business-like manner was Cyrus.

"Have a seat."

The two of us sat down in then he pushed in front of us was two handwritten agreements in front of us.

"Take a look. Read it over, and see if there's anything you disapprove of, I'll fix it."

We took a few minutes reading over the contract, we then each signed. Cyrus then passed us another copy to sign having us read it over and compare. We signed the other two, witnessed each other's, then he signed them all.

"Well, it's been a pleasure, looking forward to this partnership."

Cyrus shook our hands, then left.

"So, what's next?" Xuelian asked me.

"I guess we should sleep, it's getting late."

"Ok...," All of a sudden Xuelian had turned bright red.

What did she think I meant, together?

"Wait, I meant separate rooms!"

"Oh yeah right...," Her voice trailed off.

I was a little confused by her reaction. We each bought a room and said our good night's before going to sleep.

"Today was definitely interesting," I said aloud.

"Yeah," Xuelian replied with a smile.