A Well Fought Battle

The kobolds roared then charged forward at us, with their makeshift weapons aimed at us.


Xuelian had an easier time of it than I had despite how I focused on speed and precision that wouldn't help me here without a strong shield to defend myself.


I focused on blocking and countering with my long sword. I kept blocking and pushing then slashing and stabbing the kobolds.


Xuelian kept her shield up between her and the kobolds. She blocked and pushed with her shield then thrusted with her spear.


Xuelian barely moved from her stance, her defense more solid than my own. I had to evade or block then counter; I'm not complaining though, it suited me better than simply blocking then attacking.


After about ten minutes of whittling down the numbers and a few close calls -a few that almost got Holly killed- we managed to take out all the kobolds.


Xuelian and I collapsed to the ground; our breaths were ragged, our stamina gone, health down to about ten percent and hunger and thirst at two percent. We were at the breaking point.


"Thank you so much!"