A New Class

We headed back into the town; we talked about the class we would change to.


"So, Tsubasa what class will you pick?"


"Hmm that's a good question. I'm not sure it's a toss-up between [swordsman], [archer], or [mage]; what about you?"


"Hmm I think I'll do something a bit different maybe [fighter]. Are you trying to go for [binary magus] again."?


"Yeah, that's the plan, are you going for [spartan], again? Though there's no telling if special classes are available here."


"Hmm, I might go for spartan eventually, right now I think I want to try some other classes first. As for the special classes, they are most likely locked out just like the leveling system."


"I see, yeah that's true, they're just locked. There's no telling how many other systems are locked away. Hmm, so you're trying out other classes; since you put it like that I might try out [tamer], I always wanted to fight with my phoenix."


Xuelian giggled at my comment.




"It's nothing," She replied.


Soon enough we found ourselves in front of the building where Alexander would be.

"You ready?" I asked.


"Yeah," Xuelian replied with a nod.