Changing Classes

After catching our breath, we made our way back to town and back to Alexander, the trainer who could let us advance to the next class.

The process of changing classes was simple; pay the fee, defeat several monsters and one strong monster collect the drops and bring those back to the trainer. Lastly was a one-on-one fight, a three-minute time limit to take the trainer down to half health.

Trainers within the lore of the game were [Master] class NPCs capable of using every weapon and arte. Trainers tailored the fights to the class and level of the player, so you could expect them to use the same weapon and artes as the challenger.

Xuelian and I walked into the door and were greeted by Alexander.

"Ah you've returned, and the task was completed correct are you ready to begin; which of you is going first?"

A prompt popped up.

{Party leaders decide who shall take the test first: [Tsubasa Emrys], [Song, Xuelian] or [Wait].}

I looked up at Xuelian, I opened up my mouth to say I wanted to go first but she got the words out first.

"Tsubasa, I'm going first!" she said squarely.