Brandishing the Blade

Xuelian won her fight. As she walked out of the ring, we high fived. 

As our hands collided, I moved into the ring.

"Now then, this is the final test for a class change. You'll have three minutes to reduce my health to half. If you step outside of this circle, you'll be disqualified. You can any tools to your advantage. Are you ready to begin?"

A prompt appeared, I replied with a verbal yes. A countdown timer appeared between us. Materializing my sword, I took a defensive stance.

As the timer counted down, I slowed my breaths. Distancing myself mentally, I centered my thoughts. After a few moments I brought myself back to reality focusing on the task at hand.

{Three… Two… One, Start!}

I waited.

Alexander charged me. I dodged, then countered. Alexander span around slashing horizontally, I dodged again.

I repeated that same style of attacks for a bit, dodging then countering. I sometimes managed to get in two hits three if I was lucky in between his attacks.

After about a minute and fifteen seconds I managed to take Alexander down to half health and just like Xuelian that's where the real fight began.