The Breaking Point II

It wasn't too loud, but we heard one female player scream. She was surrounded by three other players, all of which were ganging up on her.

"Please stop I don't want to party with you. Just leave me alone!"

"Ah come on, we need more help its dangerous out there. You'd be a great asset to our party."

Xuelian and I turned to each other, nodded and rushed over to help her. Before we got there the scene caught the attention of many other players in the area. Moments later the three left.

Over these last few weeks that we witnessed more and more of these distributing scenes. Yet today was the very worst we had ever seen.

Along the way to where Cyrus did his crafting, we saw many players lined the streets. Some of the players seemed devoid of hope or purpose. Others seemed to be panicked arguing with other players desperately trying to think of ways out of this game. 

The worst were which made up most of these players seemed broken, crying, and deep into depression.

It was hard to look at.