Nickels and Dimes

"If you really want to know it will cost you," Cyrus grinned and held up five fingers.

"Of course, it does; it always does with you. You con artist."

"I'm just a humble merchant doing business Tsubasa. Gotta put food on the table."

"Yeah, yeah here," I opened up the menu and transferred the money. It didn't cost much but the fact that he was nickel and diming me was irritating.

"Thanks for the business. So, I learned that when you hit level fifteen you can rent and buy buildings."

"Aside from the fact that I had to pay for that, that's pretty useful info."

"Well, I have some other info for you."

"Really again? you are trying to break me!"

"Well, I can't exactly charge you this time since most everyone knows about it. Well, I could charge for it, but that would make me a jerk."

"Too late for that," I said.

Cyrus cracked a grin.

"So, Cyrus what is this information?" Xuelian interjected.

"Right, take a look at this." 

Cyrus passed me a piece of paper. Xuelian leaned over my shoulder to get a look.

"What's is this?" I asked.

"Just keep reading," Cyrus replied.