New Weapons II

"Tsubasa this is what I do in the game. I've memorized quite a few of the basic weapon and armor crafts."

I was impressed. To be able to craft «good» quality gear in so short of time. Along with gear proficiency and rarity there was the seven equipment qualities of hand-crafted gear. There is: «cracked» or «junk», «poor», «inferior», «good», «superior», «excellent», «sublime», and «master» qualities.

When it came to handcrafting gear only the first five tiers of weapon rarity could be crafted.

Gear that was handcrafted could always be identified by the quality indicator next to the name. Gear without a quality indicator was always referred to as drop loot, obtained from monsters, and chests.

In crafting gear what affects the quality of the gear crafted was the player's crafting proficiency, the quality of the material used, specific titles equipped, the number of times a gear type has been crafted, the number of times that specific piece of gear has been crafted, and «luck». With an expert craftsman it's possible to create master quality gear consistently.

"So, Tsubasa anything catches your eye? Next time you come I should have [superior] grade gear."

"No kidding, huh."