A Lesson in Confidence

Arthorias had stepped up behind Sinel. Sinel had stopped talking and had turned to look at Arthorias before quickly turning back to face the crowd.

Though I couldn't see everything from where I was sitting it was as if Arthorias was quickly coaching Sinel on public speaking.

After a few minutes Sinel took a deep breath. Arthorias then took a step back out of the spotlight.

"Hello everyone m-my name is Sinel."

Though I wouldn't say he is brimming with confidence, whatever it was Arthorias said to him it worked. His words came out clear and for the most part more confident.

"R-recently several others including I have discovered a change with the event. We, we have discovered a new function in the game's system."

Sinel then opened up his menu. I couldn't see exactly what he was doing.

"This new function, and what I have discovered it can do, will be for the benefit of everyone. This new function is essentially an in-game forum. In this forum I have made a p-[player guide]."

'Wait, what!?'