
The Gurukula Days:Part One

"I shall name her Myra", Shaurya beamed .That evening was filled with songs and lights. The naming ceremony for both the babies was held at the the royal palace. The babies names were announced to the people of Abhati. Chaya  and Chandruhasa spent their day doting on the babies. Shaurya was staring into the golden evening sunset,'Oh the Gurukula Days'. It had all begun when his father Adhvaith dragged him to the Gurukula when he was only  seven years old. A tiny Shaurya was bawling uncontrollably . He hated to part with his home and parents. Shaurya stomped his foot as hard as he could . A well built man ,5"9 tall created a massive shadow on little Shaurya. Shaurya looked up to meet a very commanding and aggressive pair of eyes. Shaurya knew it at that particular moment,'Life was going to be hard '. Adhvaith roared in laughter. A younger Charithran assured,"He's safe in my hands . Let's find out his talents". Then it was all hardship for Shaurya. He had to do active  sword practice, attend his classes on the Vedas(sacred teaching), horseriding and the worst of all eat healthy food daily. He got fed up and decided to run away from this hell bent place. He had decided that after everyone went to sleep ,he would escape from his cottage. Meanwhile that morning Shaurya was happier than ever in the Gurukula, all the gurus(teachers) found it strange. He would usually have a mid day breakdown. In Charithran's cottage:A guru arrives,"At what time should I lock the gates sir". Charithran  replied casually,"leave it open till midnight". Shaurya sneaked out that night from his cottage to find the gate of the Gurukula open. Shaurya wondered,' That's strange '. Shaurya continues to run into the darkness. He rests beneath a tree for the night. The next day he was woken up by the sound of whiplash. A group of men and women were pleading for mercy from a  muscular man. He was whipping them using a thick whip. Shaurya had never seen such violent things before. He couldn't bear the sight. He hides behind a tree. He overhears a few people talking," The landlords are taking advantage of the illiteracy of the tribals and are forcing them to pay extra taxes. If they are not able to they are whipped!".Shaurya had lived an extravagant life and had no idea about these things. His blood boiled at the sight. But he knew he could not do anything for he was only a little boy. He ran straight into Charithran's cottage. "Guru I'm sorry...I ... I", Shaurya gasped for breath. Charithran chuckled with sarcasm ,"Got a view of reality,did we?". Shaurya's emotions hardened,"If you already know about everyone's sufferings why are you sitting here teaching useless things". Charithran's eyes flared,"My son, not everyone has the authority to help . But you can. And for that you require a key". He pointed to two men practicing swordfight,"That right there is your key. It makes you stronger from within you. It teaches you everything and makes you more tougher than ever. So if you want to stop what you saw, go train like a mad bull!". Shaurya's eyes sparkled, the sight he saw earlier was etched in his memory.  He took a silent oath to never forget this day and to get into a position where he can free these people from certain morons. From that day onwards Shaurya started to love all the rigorous training and intellectual classes. He trained everyday like it was his last chance to train . Shaurya's physique would send chills down anybody's spine. But his mind was pure. The turning point was when he was eight. Chandruhasa joined to undergo training. He would cry all night. Shaurya saw the similarity to his earlier days. He would console Chandruhasa. He made Chandruhasa understand the greatness of the training. Just like that Shaurya and Chandruhasa became the best of friends. They would eat together, practice together and share their ideas with each other . It wasthe time when the kingdom of Abhati was establishing more women in all professions. They were allowed to undergo any form of training and education with full justice. Charithran had a lot of female students coming into the Gurukula. Shaurya woke up to find Chandruhasa smitten by a girl,the princess of Acala. He kept gazing at her and tried to befriend her by bribing her with gifts. Shaurya looked around the arena ,it had so many females having fun swordfighting. As Shaurya wandered around a loud clank of sword was heard. The next thing Shaurya saw was a sword flying towards him . In a

Fraction of a second,a female dressed in black swooped in and blocked the sword using her sword. She was wearing black clothing and a shawl covering her mouth. Shaurya could only catch a look at her eyes. He was deeply impressed by her and wanted to befriend her. But many females were dressed in black. He lost her in the crowd. That night Shaurya was sleepless he kept tossing around,'Who is she?I wish I had asked her name ' . Shaurya tossed around to find Chandruhasa giggling in his sleep,"Oh Chaya my grandmother knits the best shawls in the world! She thinks we would make the best couple of Abhati and Acala". Shaurya threw an amused look . It was time to play with Chandruhasa. Shaurya displayed his famous trait of mimicking, he mimicked a very shrill Chaya,"Oh Chandru! This shawl looks horrible. Does this symbolise your hatred for me!". Chandruhasa squeals,"No Chaya I love you! Please bear with me baby . I'll get you another one!". Chandruhasa rolls out of his cot and falls face first on the floor. Shaurya bursts into laughter. Chandruhasa and Shaurya wrestle each other until Charithran arrives and whacks them on their heads. The next morning while Chandruhasa was dressing up for training in his cottage . A warm hand covers his eyes from behind. " Hello Chaya I just bought you a million shawls from Abhati! Hope you love me now", Shaurya squealed to imitate Chandruhasa. Shaurya wrapped Chandruhasa's head with a shawl and squeals again,"Do you like the shawl now sweetheart!". Shaurya gets whacked on the head while he tries to control his outburst of laughter. The two head out for training. Shaurya's eyes search for the same pair of eyes he caught yesterday. He tries to spot the female by looking around . He wanders around and suddenly freezes, he catches the same pair of eyes right before him giving him a death stare....