Chapter 3: Nuna?

My Love in Another World

Chapter 3: Nuna?

After finishing my running session, I again started doing meditation, as I want to gain full control over Ki, as fast as possible, it will not only help me in increasing my healing but also help me enhance my physical abilities. If best comes to best, I might able to control Ki around me or inner ki and do some good shi*


"I am done" I said while stretching my arms after doing a long meditation.

Soon Wan Mi also came to my room and gave me food. After eating food, Seong came and with him I left the house and walked towards my school or academy.

On my way-

"Hey Bin, have you thought anything about the upcoming competition?" Seong asked me while we both were walking towards the school.

"Upcoming Competition? Yeah I have" I replied to his question.

The competition is a battle competition and those who score well will graduate and are free to choose jobs under the school's affiliation or what they want to do.

And so far, I never ever won a single battle or rather never took any battle, as I was scared. So my father used his money till now to pass me. But the graduation is a different story as every student has to participate and many big sect people are also present, as they could choose a young talent for their sect

In this world, people are already considered as an adult when they are 16 years old. So I am an adult now, but the only thing left is to get graduated.

As for my friend Seong, well, he doesn't have to care much as he is a prodigy himself.

After talking about more stuff we finally reach our school "Vermillion", the biggest and the best school in the town, a place where all young talent come and learn together.

After reading the name of the school I entered the place, and started my school life which will end in just 2 weeks.

The school has 2 sections, warriors and scholars, I and Seong are in the warrior section so we turned to the left side and go to our classes.

The classes were simple mock fight class, as everyone here wants to be a great martial artist, so they should learn how to fight.

And when the first time I saw the mock fight or training session, I was literally like, "WHAT THE FUC*!!!"

Then again, this is ok, if you consider what type of life I lived in my previous world, so it was ok. But still I had great expectations…TSK-TSK

After this, I never once attended any training class, as they were just shit to me, I had been the greatest martial artist in my previous life and I still have my memories, so I don't need this training.

With this, I just stood at the side of the training ground and practiced by myself.

"hehe.., look at that trash…"

"Shhh.. don't look at him, he might ask his father to do something to us…"

Surely, everyone is making fun of me, as I am the odd one out but still it really hurts, as I can hear them. But a great man never abandons his path, so I kept doing my practice.

"Don't mind them Bin" a very feminine type person appeared from those students, it was my one and only cute male friend Seong

"Haha, I don't care about them what about you, why are you not training with others?" I asked Seong who had come running towards me…

"How can I train when my friend is being mocked by others…" Seong replied with a smile.

'Damn, that smile, if only you were a female, I would have surely grabbed you and took you somewhere quiet and used this …" I didn't think anything further. After all these types of thoughts always destroys one's relationship.

"What are you thinking?" Seong asked with a gentle voice…

"Nothing… just how good you are…" I replied earnestly.

After this, we both started our own training, he was practicing what teachers told and I started practicing my own stuff.

And finally, the day ended

I, with Seong left to our house and as usual, after reaching my house, I eat, rest and started my training again. Though this time my dear Nuna didn't come but, who cares about her.

Also, if you are curious about this world's rank, then here it is: first are, simple warrior or just warrior, then first-class warrior, then an expert class warrior and then captain class warrior.

All of these ranks may seem not of a big deal but in my stroll around and keeping my eyes on those teachers; the difference is big, really big.

After ending my training, I again eat food and then slept on my warm, comfy bed

This was my daily life and also my schedule.

Time passed by a week and now only 1 more week was left for the school competition.

This morning also I did some running and come back to my house but today my father called me and told me to eat food with everyone.

I listened and present my handsome face (I think I am handsome) to everyone, in the dining hall.

My father and mother were sitting together on the opposite side of me and my sister was also at their side, as for me, I also sit by their side.

"Chuang-Ae, I have heard that you are doing some training?" A long beard mad asked me, off-course he is my father.

"Yes, I am, as I want to graduate as fast as possible" I replied to the question.

"It's ok if you want to train but don't push yourself ok?... if you get hurt come to mama…" A beautiful woman in a blue dress told me, off-course she is my mother, what were you guys thinking?

And by her talk, it was clear the reason why I had been retarded for all these years was not because of my father but it was my mother who spoiled me, but I don't hate it after all a mother always tries her best that her child would not face any danger.

I was really happy to have a mother like her so I replied, "Don't worry mama, I will come to you when I will be hurt"

"That's my son, also, If you need any help then be sure to ask your Nuna, she is a first-class warrior," My mother told me.

I nodded to her and looked at my ugly Nuna, no matter what she is ugly to me, though many people say she is a beauty to me she is and will be always ugly…

When my eyes with Nuna met, she glared at me 'Like hell she would help me', I said in my mind while I smile at her.

Afterward, I left with Seong for my school. And again, I never took any classes; also, I am from a rich family so no one said anything, except Seong.

After school I came back home and did my usual routine, also, every morning and night I do mediation to increased my Ki control.

Thus time passed by 2 days-

Nighttime . . .

I am right now going back from the red light area, as for why I am in a red light area, well you know it…

Also, I am an adult, and I didn't use my Divine Wee-Wee as this is for my one and only one partner.


I thought to stroll around so I was just walking here and there while whistling around.


"Fuck! This bitch… I have already given her more than 10 doses of sleep, why the hell is she not down?"

"Calm down, patience will lead to sweet fruit"


I heard some noises from my right side, which was a small road and there was no light, it was dark, completely dark.

I am not a curious cat, so I didn't bother about it much and was leaving the place but I heard something again, and also someone knocked me down.

"Shit she is running…"


"Who the hell is it?!!!" I yelled at the person who was above me. I threw him by my left side and saw her face


Soon few more people, following her appeared from the darkness.

"Kid, leave the girl and go or…"

I looked at their face for seconds; they were around 5 people and looked like a damaged copy of very low or cheap bastards.

I didn't look any further, as my head already started hurting, they were just disgusting. I looked another ugly person who was my sister and her clothes were a bit tattered and showed a big portion of her chest.

"Hmmm… they are big" I said proudly while looking at those big things, don't worry I am not thinking anything funny and only teasing her.

Nuna, only glared at me and before she could say anything, she falls unconscious.

. . .

Now it's me and these disgusting, dirty marks on the name of villains, were left.

"Well, I don't like to spoil someone's fun but as a brother, I can't leave my sister," I said to myself while looking a bit sad

"So you are her brother? Huh.."

"So what, just leave your sister here, don't worry we will return here when we are-"




"wh… what happened?" The last remaining person asked himself as in front of him the only one standing was Bin Chuang-Ae and his friends were dead. Blood was still there in Bin Chuang-Ae's hand

"How… did you do it?"

I (Bin Chuang-Ae) looked at the last person

"Do you think this is some Korean Manhwa where I would let my people get fucked and stand speechless or acts like a shit?"

i said with a glare, as in this world what I hate the most is when someone puts there hand on something that belonged to me. My sister is not something or we neither had a great relationship but still, she is my sister, with whom I have spent 16 years and I can't let my sister be in this miserable state

I am a very possessive guy…