Chapter 219 – I’m sure I’ll have dinner like that someday!

After a while, we had already arrived in the capital.

It was already very dark, it was probably more than 8 p.m., so I didn't even bother to open the door, because few people were on the street at the moment, and they didn't have a good view of the door anyway.

I had put Emily's mother on the floor, but I was still holding her hand, and as soon as we walked in, we were greeted by looks from everyone in the room, Emily, her father, Lincy, and Syl, all of them sitting and talking as a family...

"So you are here? You can now remove the magic." I realized that I still had the magic activated, so after closing the door, I deactivated the magic and we became visible to everyone inside the room.

For a moment I could see a smile on Emily's father's face, he seemed happy to see his wife.

"Ohhh, so you live here? You weren't exaggerating when you said it was a mansion." Even before greeting the other girls, she started running around the room while admiring and playing everything she could.

When he arrived in the kitchen I could see her going into ecstasy for a moment, but she managed to control herself.

"Mom, why don't you come over and say hello to Lincy and Syl? What a lack of respect." They haven't met yet, so I also think she should introduce herself first.

"Ara, I'm sorry. Nice to meet you, my name is Halsa, nice to meet you." Wait, now I remember, I didn't know Emily's mother's name until now, and her father? I don't know the name of any of them.

"Emily, come here quickly." I took Emily by the arm and pulled her to the corner of the room while leaving her mother and the girls talking, and after being at a distance that no one could hear us, I decided to ask why.

"What is it? You scared me."

"Listen, you didn't tell me your mother's name once, isn't that weird?" Maybe that's why I could only think of her as Emily's mother and not her name, what a shame, my god.

"Strange, didn't I ever mention her name? And neither did my father's? I thought I did at some point." She was thoughtful, trying to find a memory in which her name spoke to me, and after thinking for a while: "Really, I didn't tell you once." She finally understood.

"This is so frustrating, that must be why in my mind I always called her Emily's mother, just imagine what I would do if I had to call her at some point? To keep calling her Emily's mother would make me very ashamed."

"Hahaha, don't be like that, now you already know her name, and to take advantage of it, my father's name is Danfled, it may be a bit difficult to say, but I think you can do it." She put her hand on my head and patted it.

You ... I look like a child but I can speak that name.

"Ara, what are you talking about there?" Then Emily's mother, or rather, Halsa, approached us with curiosity, trying to know what we were talking about.

"You know mom, Larissa didn't look like-"

"Emily, could you keep quiet for a second? .... Miss Halsa, it's nothing, I'm going to show you around the house, okay?" I took her hand and took it with me, leaving Emily who was grumbling.

"I already told you not to call me Madam."

"Miss is different from Madam."

"Yes, but I prefer that you call me by name only."

"I understand, but now come with me."


After I finished showing the house to Halsa, and she was euphoric with everything she was seeing, it was time to show her room. She was going to sleep in a bed with her husband.

When she found out she had plumbing in the house, she was so impressed that she asked me to use the bath just to show it, of course, I refused, it didn't even make sense.

But when she realized that she would also have a similar bath in her room, she was happy to the point of starting to tear off her clothes to get into the bath, of course, I prevented her from doing this, I would not forgive myself if I saw the mother of one friend without clothes.

When we entered one of the rooms that had a double bed and a considerably large closet, I unpacked and put them on the floor, I was going to leave the job of packing for Lincy, but Halsa chose to do it on her own, and Emily helped too.

Emily would have her room too, so I put her things in there too. She said she would fix it later because even though I continued to insist on getting Lincy to fix it, she refused to leave. Emily was a stubborn girl, or maybe she has things that she doesn't want to show anyone.

I still remember that obscene lingerie that she was wearing today, I think I better forget about it soon.

"Lincy, is dinner ready? I think we'll be eating in a little while." I went downstairs while calling for Lincy, I spoke a little loudly since she was in the kitchen.

"Dinner is almost ready, everyone can sit down and the food will be served," Lincy replied while tending a pot with some kind of stew.

"Okay ~~" Syl was already sitting at the dinner table while she read some book, she probably had taken it from that bookshelf.

Emily's father, Danfled, was still sitting on the couch in the living room, he was quiet and with his eyes partially closed, but since he needed help to go to the table, I approached him.

"Mr. Danfled, do you want help getting to the dinner table? He's already served." Without denying my help, he leaned on my shoulder and stood up carefully.

Because of my height, he seemed to be having a bit of a hard time, so I used a little wind magic to help him.

We were soon at the table.

The table had several seats, I placed him between two chairs so that his family could sit beside him to help him. And after waiting for a few more minutes, the table was already full of food.

A big pot full of meat, a big bowl full of salad, and it also had something that looked like beans. When I tasted it, the taste was very similar, but there was a difference of it being a little sweeter.

If I add a little more salt, I think it will look just like the beans from my old world.

The only thing that frustrates me is that until today I have not found rice, I will certainly find it, maybe it has a different name.

In addition to the "Feijão", there was also a huge soup, the soup broth was a little red, certainly, there was pepper here. Since I didn't like spicy foods very much, I decided not to taste them, but they looked tasty.

Of course, I also had some bread to eat with the soup, as well as a few jars of different types of juices, it was a wonderful dinner, but there is still a lot to be done to be a complete dinner for a resident of my old world.

I will be able to have a dinner like that someday.


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