Chapter 243 – It Hurts So Much…

A few hours had passed since the old man had left the room.

My body was still sore and my head hurt a lot but compared to before it was much more bearable. Since the master had left, no one had entered the room, I began to think that I was alone in this place.

But I would have no way of knowing since I can't get up, and I wasn't in the mood to call for someone.

'What should I do?' I had whined enough about the disappearance of my magic, I had grown tired of doing that.

So the only thing I did was to keep lying down and staring at that wooden ceiling for two hours or so before someone came into the room.

"How are you feeling?" Entering through the door, it was Suzan. She was wearing a casual outfit, very different from the clothes she wore while working in the adventurer's guild.

She was wearing tight black pants and a white shirt with some gray details, honestly, it was an appearance that would catch any man's eye because of her black hair and clear eyes.

"I'm feeling bad, I feel like a truck ran over me."

"A truck?"

"It's nothing, but I don't feel good."

"I understand, but that's to be expected. When we found you, your body looked awful, can you believe that arm of yours was bent backward?" She pointed to my left arm, the same arm that I couldn't move.

"Don't talk about it, it gives me agony."

"Hmm, fine. But changing the subject, are you hungry? I have something prepared for you." Suzan walked over to the bed I was lying on and sat down next to me.

Placing her hand on my head, she began stroking my hair and smiling at me.

"I'm alone here for hours, I'm hungry."

"Okay, I'll be back in a few minutes." She stopped stroking my hair and brought her face closer to mine, placing a kiss on my forehead. Her lips were soft and wet.

"Awawa." I managed to hold myself together and managed to stay sane.

She smiled at me and pulled away. I couldn't say anything as I continued to watch her walk towards the door.

My face was hot and I was very embarrassed for some reason.

"Now all I can do is wait... Wait, if my arms are broken, how am I supposed to eat?"


A few minutes had passed since Suzan had left the room. I still kept thinking about how I was going to eat. Whenever I thought of a possibility, I always got uneasy and embarrassed.

"I'm back~~ Are you feeling better?" Suzan appeared in the room carrying a small tray. On top of the tray was some cut fruit, some bread with some kind of jam, and a bowl with some liquid, it was probably soup.

"You left just a few minutes ago, I'm feeling the same way."

"I know, but now you need to eat, can I sit here?" she approached the bed and this time asked permission to sit. Shouldn't she have asked permission the first time too?

"Sure." I had already started to get uneasy with her presence.

"Now open your mouth." Without asking me or waiting for me to give permission, she picked up a piece of bread and brought it to my mouth.


"Hm, what is it?" she was looking at me in surprise at my shout.

"I haven't gotten up yet, do you want to choke me to death or something?"

"Oh, I'm sorry." Suzan blushed a little and smiled embarrassedly as she helped me up. This time I sat up on the bed and was able to get a better view of my surroundings.

"That hurts." As soon as I sat up, a sharp pain hit my whole body, especially my arms and legs.

"Are you okay?" Worried about me, Suzan reached over and held me so that I don't fall to my sides.

"I'm just in a lot of pain, but I'm getting used to it." No, I was certainly never going to get used to feeling this pain.

"Good, I thought I hurt you."

"I guess there's no way I could hurt myself anymore."

"Makes sense. But now you need to eat, come on." Suzan again took a piece of bread and brought it to my mouth, and I accepted it.

The bread tasted good, it was covered with a jam that tasted like strawberry, but I didn't know the exact name of the fruit. Suzan was watching me eat smiling, it was as if she was feeding a child.

'Wait, but I'm not a child?'

"How cute, you look like a pet."

"What?" I looked at Suzan not understanding what she meant by that.


"Do I look like a pet to you?"

"You're small and cute, so I guess that's a good comparison." Suzan continued to feed me the bread while continuing to smile at me, was she treating me like a pet?

Listen, I may have the body of a child, but I don't feel comfortable with it.

But I couldn't stop her, she kept feeding me pieces of fruit and soup, and I couldn't do anything but accept it. I was embarrassed, very embarrassed, but I couldn't just ask her to stop.

But the more time went by, the more comfortable I was feeling with all of this. I confess that I began to enjoy being fed by her, could I be a pet?

'No, I have dignity, I can't become someone's pet!' But this is so nice, to be treated that way.

"Do you want more? I can get it for you." No, I can't accept that, she will keep treating me like a pet if I accept that!

But... It was so good, it had been a long time since I had felt so comfortable.

"I want more..." I couldn't help myself, I just accepted it. I was so embarrassed I could die, but I think it's ok. Suzan seemed a little embarrassed too.

Could it be that she is falling in love with me? Hehe... Or me falling in love with her? No, that's impossible, I already have Emily and the other girls.

Thinking this was enough for me, I lay down again. I even ignored the pain I felt.