The Yule Ball

Hogwarts was in a constant state of excitement. Harry, unscathed from the dark magic, had avoided facing any of the dragons and continued on with his studies feeling much more confident in Severus's plan. He had made sure to thank the Potions Master for his involvement, while Sirius had gone out of his way not to.

The students, reeling from the drama of the first task, could barely contain themselves as they anticipated what could happen in the second. February seemed eons away, although not to the three champions that had competed. Cedric Diggory continued to be the hero of the castle, although he seemed to grow increasingly tired of the constant whispers and stares that he drew from his classmates. Cassie, knowing full well what it felt like to be the topic of the school's major scandals, allowed him to spend a few peaceful evenings in her classroom. The only other student she allowed in the room with Cedric was Draco.

The two young wizards usually kept to themselves, but on the day the Yule Ball was announced, the topic could not be avoided. Cassie was composing a letter when Draco brought it up.

"Wearing dress robes, having to find dates and all that - what do you make of it, Diggory?" Draco mulled aloud.

Cedric looked up from his homework as a sheepish grin spread across his face. "I dunno. It all seems a bit excessive. Professor Sprout said we'll have dancing lessons, and since I'm a champion she'll want my skills in top shape."

"I don't need lessons," said Draco, grimacing. "Mother's been forcing us to attend her balls since we were able to walk. Right, Cass?"

"Don't remind me," she intoned as her quill looped across the parchment below her.

"Who will be teaching the Slytherin dance lessons? Surely Professor Snape won't," Draco said with a scoff.

Cassie grinned despite herself. Severus had attended more balls at Malfoy Manor than she could count, and he was quite graceful on the dance floor. She imagined being in his arms at their wedding reception before another logical thought could form. "Perhaps you and I could," she replied, earning a look of horror from her younger cousin.

"You wouldn't dare," he countered lowly.

"You might want to avoid earning detention between now and then," she quipped. Cedric laughed, rubbing the back of his neck before getting back to his homework.

Cassie turned her attention back to the letter she was composing. It was addressed to Tonks, and being it was the first communication Cassie was attempting since seeing her at Sirius's birthday, she was taking extra care to word it correctly.


I hope this finds you well. I'm writing to inquire about Mad-Eye. While we both know that he is always a bit strange, his behavior has been especially bizarre since taking the Defense Against the Dark Arts post. He seems to be particularly suspicious of me, which I find odd and a tad offensive. Have you spoken with him?

Despite our last interactions, I miss you terribly. Please don't be too stubborn to write back.



She read it three times before finally surrendering to the fates and sealing it. It would be sent by owl post first thing in the morning, but she wasn't even sure where her cousin was. She could be across the continent and Cassie had no idea. That fact discouraged her.

Curfew grew closer and Cedric packed up his belongings. It wasn't until after he was gone that Draco addressed his older cousin.

"I'll walk with you to the dungeons," he said quietly.

"I have a few things to finish up," she said, dismissing him with a wave of her hand. She missed the exasperation on Draco's face as she paged through a stack of graded essays.

"Fine," said Draco, folding his arms over his chest. "I'll wait as long as I need to."

Cassie looked up at him in surprise. Seeing his determined expression, she finally caught on to his meaning. "I don't need an escort, Draco."

"You look like shit."

"You've always had such a way with words."

"I mean it," Draco pressed. "I'm not sure you'd make it down the staircase without falling flat on your face - "

"I'm fine."

"You don't seem fine - "

"I am!" she insisted, but he was right. She became winded with small amounts of activity and was paler than the Bloody Baron, but the blood-replenishing potions could only help so much.

"EarlieryYou were sweating just casting a few spells!"

"I was not - "

"I was in McGonagall's class, I saw you!"

"Fine," Cassie resigned with a sigh. "If it'll make you feel better, we can walk down together."

She was eating her words minutes after they started their journey. Draco steadied her as she wobbled down the staircase and he kept his arm linked tightly to hers for the rest of the way.

"I can manage from here," she said as they neared the potions classroom.

"I'm not leaving until Professor Snape has you."

"Did he put you up to this?"

"Is it so hard to believe that I give a shit?"

Cassie smirked. "No, of course not. I just have a difficult time accepting help."

Draco was rolling his eyes as they entered Severus's classroom. He was at his desk as Kalina put supplies away from tonight's brew.

"Hello, Sev," Cassie greeted the Potions Master as his onyx eyes slinked over her weakened frame.

"I am grateful for your assistance, Draco," Severus thanked his young student as he swooped to Cassie's side. "Straight to bed," he said as he looked down in concern at his fiancee.

"No bedtime story first?" Cassie quipped as Draco left the classroom. She caught Kalina's disapproving look, her green eyes lingering on the engaged couple as Severus snaked a supporting arm around Cassie's torso.

"Master Snape, is there anything else you would like me to do?" Kalina asked. Cassie studied the blonde witch's stance, the way her hands were folded neatly in front of her as she waited for her master's next words with bated breath.

"No, Miss Karkaroff. You may go."

Kalina bowed slightly before slipping through the door. Cassie wondered if she had imagined Kalina's look of disappointment.

Severus's grip on Cassie was tender as he escorted her to the bed chamber. In the time it took to help her change into nightclothes and settle beneath the coverlet, she tried three times to convince him that she was just fine. She knew even as she spoke that no headway was made.

"I am going to take a sample of blood," said Severus. He stood beside the bed, tall and dark, picture perfect poise and acumen. Cassie, lost in her captivation of him, nearly missed what he said.


"I am going to test it," he explained simply. She wasn't sure where the small blade in his hand had appeared from but hardly cared. She trusted his judgment.

She offered her hand to him and in one swift motion, he cut the flesh of her palm. He treated the droplets of blood like they were liquid gold, making sure none was wasted as he collected a small amount into a vial. She watched him work through heavy-lidded eyes, admiring his elegant movements as he waved his wand to heal her.

Severus kissed her palm where he cut her only minutes ago. His black eyes searched her face, surveying the fatigue that was so apparent in her ocean-blue eyes.

"Sleep, my love," he drawled. She replied with a small smile and soon, unable to fight her weariness any longer, her eyes closed as she drifted off into slumber.

Severus, feeling determined and as far from sleep as he could be, returned to his workstation. He donned dragon-hide gloves before uncapping his supply of inland taipan venom. He triple-checked for the correct amount of Icoja bark before grinding it to a paste. This particular type of testing had so many dangerous components and so many intricate steps that he almost regretted not asking for Kalina's assistance. But if what he suspected was true, the fewer people that knew the better.

While the Potions Master worked, his fiancee endured a restless sleep. Troublesome dreams plagued her the moment she drifted off, although if asked, she wouldn't quite describe them as nightmares. It was the subject of the dreams that tormented her when she remembered the next day.

Hours later when Severus had his answer, he went back to his chambers. He had debated for several minutes if it was worth waking Dumbledore in the middle of the night to share this newly found information, but in the end, he wanted nothing more than to lay eyes on Cassie. She was still asleep, but he could tell by how she was positioned on her side with a pillow in her grip that she was vividly dreaming.

After analyzing her blood, he would safely bet all of the galleons he was worth that she was dreaming of Stellan.


The grounds of the Lestrange estate were overgrown and unkempt, a reminder to anyone who dared look that its owners were locked away in Azkaban. The hedging plants that had been disturbed during the clash with the Servants of the Heredis had regrown in odd, misshapen directions. Their branches reminded Cassie of knobby fingers that were reaching to grab her every time she visited.

Inside was in stark contrast to the grounds. Bianca's caretakers had taken it upon themselves to restore some of the interior's previous beauty while removing any signs of bigotry. Gone were the tapestries bearing pureblood pride and the paintings depicting the cleansing of Mudbloods from wizard society. It had been a long time since Cassie could admire the artwork so freely without being afraid to catch a glance of a much-hated depiction of the Scavenger's Daughter.

On an early December morning, she stood in the middle of the Lestrange drawing room. It felt oddly fitting to use her childhood home to gather some of her Saints. If her mother knew, she would surely be enraged at her daughter's audacity. Cassie wondered if somehow, Bellatrix could sense the affront from her prison cell.

"This is Meditrina Curandero," said Diolinda, introducing the dark-haired witch standing next to her.

"Lady Black," said the healer, bowing as she spoke. "I am honored to make your acquaintance."

"The honor is mine." Cassie gestured for her to rise, perhaps a bit too hastily. She still felt awkward when her followers felt the need to express their submission.

Tea was served as the witches discussed Bianca's condition. The seer made little to no progress since arriving at the Lestrange estate and Cassie was still avoiding entering her room for fear of sending her into a frenzy.

"I have spent most of my career mending broken minds," said Meditrina ominously. Her dark purple eyes sparkled with zest as she processed the situation. "I will examine her, and then I can give you a prognosis."

Diolinda and Izzy accompanied the mind healer to Bianca's room. As they ascended the staircase and disappeared from sight, Cassie plopped into the cushy armchair that had become her favorite.

"You look unwell," Romily observed. The remaining Saints had gone to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, allowing Cassie a bit of respite. She closed her eyes and leaned back into the headrest.

"Thanks. I am."

"Perhaps the sanadora can examine you as well."

"I've had enough people fussing over me."

"You mean Severus."

"Yes, I mean Severus," Cassie affirmed. "He's been force-feeding me potions and confining me to bed every chance he can."

"Good. You are little use to us in this state."

Cassie stared icily at her brunette friend. "Glad to know where my value lies."

"You know what I meant," Romily replied with a dismissive wave of her hand. "If Bianca's assailant were to attack, you would be in no state to defend her."

"That's what you people are for," said Cassie as Billiard and Dashiell brought in platters of food.

"Is there something I can do for you, my lady?" Billiard asked Cassie eagerly, handing her a goblet of pumpkin juice.

"No, Billiard. This is perfect." She feigned a smile as the wizard bowed so lowly that his squashed nose nearly touched the hardwood floor. She studied the retired Gringotts curse breaker as he rose to his full height and began plating her eggs. This wizard had faced decades of tribulation and dark magic while maintaining rapport with a building full of goblins. He had killed Molotov on her orders. Was he really satisfied to serve her eggs and toast?

Meditrina returned from Bianca's room with a bleak expression. Romily rose to her feet at once, her anxiety apparent.

"I may be able to heal her. It will take time."

"How much time?" demanded Romily.

"That is up to Bianca," said Meditrina, "and how much of her is still inside."

Cassie accompanied Romily to her apartment when their presence at the manor was no longer needed. Meditrina had started to interview Bianca, and she wanted to do that with as little distraction as possible. Cassie was fine to leave Bianca in the hands of her protectors. She was ready for a nap, anyway.

The witches reached the staircase behind Madam Puddifoot's. Cassie made to head up the stairs when Romily suddenly stepped her in path.

"I will grab them," Romily said, referring to the jewelry she was intending to lend to Ginny, "I'll only be a moment." Before Cassie could protest, the brunette witch bounded up the staircase.

Despite her friend's odd behavior, Cassie stayed put. Whatever she was trying to hide in her apartment was none of her business. True to her word, Romily appeared in only a few minutes with a jewelry box in hand.

"Here." Romily handed it to Cassie hastily. "I'll walk you to Hogwarts." She grabbed Cassie's elbow and steered her toward the castle. As they rounded the building, they almost smacked into a customer leaving Madam Puddifoot's. It took a few seconds for Cassie to register the familiar frame and mane of dark hair.

"Cousin!" exclaimed Sirius. He had a bright pink dessert box in his hands and his eyes flitted between Romily and Cassie. "Fancy seeing you here!"

"Hello, Sirius," Cassie replied with a raised eyebrow. "Doing a bit of shopping?"

"Er - yes. Had a craving for teacakes, you see."

"Hogsmeade is a bit far just for teacakes."

"Ah, well, thought I'd grab a drink at Rosmerta's while I'm here." Romily was nodding excessively at Sirius's explanation. Cassie didn't miss her friend's deep blush and the way she pulled on Cassie's robes.

"Well then, don't let me keep you," said Cassie. "Thank you for the jewelry, Mily. I'm sure Ginny will love it."

"Oh," said Romily, "but I will come with you to the castle - "

"Not necessary." Cassie walked down the path and away from the mortified pair. The last thing she saw before turning around was Romily's sheepish wave and Sirius's face breaking into a knowing grin.

Draco was in her classroom when she entered. Caught up on homework, the young Slytherin was paging through Seeker Weekly with his feet up on the desk.

"Anything good?" asked Cassie.

Draco shrugged. "Even Arty Rider thinks it's hippogriff shit that the Quidditch Cup is canceled this year," he said, referring to the publication's editor.

"Tough luck. His opinion doesn't matter."

"Should have had Potter whine to Dumbledore about it. I would have been back to practice that day."

Cassie smirked as she examined the contents on her desk. She needed to work on grading a pile of Astronomy essays, and then correct Herbology exams - but her eyes caught something else. An envelope with her name in familiar penmanship.

Dear Ms. Black,

As per Ministry policy, any non-emergent Auror inquiries must be handled through the Department of Populace Relations. Letters can be sent directly to Cara Molish. A reply can be expected in five to seven business days.


Auror Nymphadora Tonks

Cassie, seething, was smashing the letter in her fist when she realized that Draco was speaking. "Pardon?"

"Professor Snape told me to make sure you take this." Draco brandished a vial of yellow liquid at her as she wondered where it came from. Severus must have given it directly to Draco.

"Thank you," she snapped, sighing as she plucked it from her younger cousin's hand. She downed the bitter antidote in one gulp and slammed it onto her desk like an empty shot glass.

Draco was eyeing her with interest as she settled into her chair and pulled the stack of essays closer. The scrutinization finally got to her as she dipped her quill into the inkwell. "What, Draco?"

"What is it?"

"An Astronomy essay."

Draco scoffed. "You know what I mean."

"A fifth year Astronomy essay."

"Do I have to spell it out? I know that wasn't a contraceptive potion."

Cassie groaned. "Don't tell me how you know that information."

"Don't change the subject. I thought we were telling each other things now."

Cassie looked into her cousin's steel grey eyes, seeing the earnestness in them. She wrestled with the idea of telling him that Stellan was injecting his venom into her every time he bit her and that every time he did, she would become more drawn to him. It would relieve some of her inner burden.

She knew she couldn't. The only people with that information were herself, Severus, and Dumbledore. If the wrong person knew that the vampire was trying to gain control over her, they could use it against her. Draco would have to stay in the dark.

"Severus has prescribed me different potions to help me heal." It wasn't the whole truth, but at least she wasn't outright lying to him. He didn't seem convinced in the least.

"If something happens to you because of Potter - "

"Draco - "

"No, let me finish," Draco insisted. "I don't care if he's the precious Boy Who Lived. I'll make him wish he'd faced one of those dragons!" His grey eyes were intense as he made his declaration. Yet again, Cassie was reminded that her younger cousin was no longer some snot-nosed little boy.

The tension broke when Ginny and Hermione came through the door. Draco stared at a spot over Cassie's shoulder, lost in thought, as the two Gryffindors approached her desk.

"Did you get the necklace?" asked Ginny.

Cassie pushed the jewelry box toward the girls. "Yes, and matching earrings." The two Gryffindors chatted excitedly about the borrowed rubies when Draco's mind returned to the room.

"You're in third year. Who asked you?" he asked Ginny pointedly. Her ears turned bright red, and her cheeks followed soon after as she turned to glare at Draco.

"It's none of your business!"

"A real muppet, eh?" Draco mused.

"You'll be going with that pug-face Parkinson, I suppose," Ginny countered as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"That's likely," he replied in a bored tone. "And what about you, Granger? Surely no one has asked you."

Hermione's cheeks pinkened, but her bright brown eyes stared directly at Draco when she said, "As a matter of fact, someone has."

Draco's smug expression faltered slightly before he said, "Let me guess. You're as likely to tell me as Weasley."

"That's right."

"Another stinker, I'm sure."

Hermione lifted her head slightly. "I suppose you'll find out at the ball." She stormed from the room without so much as another glance at Draco. Ginny thanked Cassie for the jewelry and snatched up the box before jogging after her friend.

Cassie had never known so many students to stay over the holiday break. Everywhere she looked there were troupes of giggling girls and boys standing around as they worked up the courage to ask them to the ball. She found their innocence endearing and she wished that all she had to worry about was planning her wedding to Severus.

While Severus did not seem thrilled to be attending the Yule Ball, Cassie was looking forward to it. She hoped there would be no talk of vampires or antidotes or dark lords. She wanted to charm her hair into an elegant updo, put on an extravagant dress, and dance with her handsome fiancé.

Severus spent much of his free time brewing the antidote to Stellan's venom. It was an intricate recipe that he had derived himself, as each vampire's venom was as unique as the creature that secreted it. Between teaching Kalina and keeping up with his responsibilities in the classroom, he was only sleeping three or four hours each night. When he would patrol, Kalina would often insist on joining him to discuss brewing techniques and supplemental ingredients.

On Christmas Eve, Cassie felt close to normal. She spent most of the evening with the Weasleys, Harry, and Hermione in the elaborately decorated Great Hall. They ate popcorn, played Exploding Snap, and paired up to square off in chess. Ron beat every person that he faced.

Cassie was about to say goodnight when the twins approached her. "Is Professor Snape in the dungeons?" asked Fred.

She raised an eyebrow in suspicion. "Yes. Why?"

"We'd like to have a word," said George. Cassie studied both of them, trying to understand what they were playing at. The last thing Severus needed was one of their pranks hand-delivered to the dungeons.

"Fine," she sighed. "Come along, but I'm watching you."

The twins, it turned out, had been hard at work on their joke products. They had been trying to perfect their Canary Cream formula for months and couldn't figure out how to extend the effects without giving their customers entire-body rashes.

"And you would like me to assist you?" Severus summarized incredulously.

"Yes," said the twins in unison.

"And what would motivate me to refine something so asinine as a prank product?"

Fred and George grinned ear-to-ear. "We thought you might ask that," said Fred.

"Seeing that we're basically family," said George.

"And this would be improving a potions recipe," added Fred.

"We hoped you might find it in your heart to help."

Cassie barked out a laugh, stifling it to a soft giggle as Severus eyed the boys with a lukewarm expression. "It is Christmas, Sev," she pointed out. Severus turned to glare at her.

"Fine," he snapped. "I will require a sample of the product and a copy of your current recipe." Fred produced a Canary Cream from his pocket while George handed over a piece of parchment.

"Since it's a holiday break," said George, "I expect this will be kept off the record."

Severus shot him an icy stare as he charmed the recipe to float beside him. "If you destroy my classroom, you will receive a week's worth of detentions. Let that be on the record."

Cassie sat at Severus's desk while the three wizards worked. The twins were surprisingly well-mannered and even offered to clean the cauldrons that were dirtied with each step. To see Severus and two of her pseudo-siblings exist in such harmony warmed her. She just hoped the mischievous pair wouldn't slip Severus a U-No-Poo and ruin all of the progress that was being made.

Boros, who had been roaming the dungeon corridors at Cassie's request, slipped quietly into the room. He slithered up her legs and curled onto her lap.

"Anything to report?" asked Cassie.

"The one-legged man stalks outside this room."

She stood as Boros shifted to her shoulders. Severus, engrossed in his experiment, didn't look up as she crept out the heavy door. The corridor was dark. She lit her wand, revealing nothing. One by one, she checked the empty chambers. This far into the dungeons' depths, she always felt like she could hear the echoes of past anguish from centuries ago. She moved quickly, glad to have her familiar wrapped around her. Moody was nowhere to be found.

Severus woke in the early hours of Christmas morning from a stabbing pain in his left forearm. He managed to choke out his gasp before it turned into a yelp, but he had completely started out of his pleasant slumber.

He sat up, stretching out his long legs as he rubbed the tattoo that afflicted him with so much agony. He couldn't make it out in the dark bedroom, but he guessed it was as prominent as it was the last time it had burned. As he rode out the pain, Cassie slept peacefully beside him. She was a sublime distraction. His onyx eyes traveled over her barely clothed form, locks of black hair falling over his eyes as he admired the curve of her hips.

Since she had started taking his antidote, she reported dreaming less and less of Stellan until he plagued her psyche no more. Time would tell if they would have to restart the process after the second task.

Severus liked to imagine that instead of Stellan, she was dreaming of him. Jealousy had plagued him after he had tested her blood. He could only imagine the lewd scenarios the venom had created in her unconscious mind. He didn't dare ask for details for fear of slaughtering the vampire before the tournament was over.

Cassie turned from her side to her back, as if she could sense Severus's feral gaze and was squirming under the intensity. Her left breast all but fell out of her blue silk nightie, barely containing her pert pink nipple that stood erect in the chill of the dungeon air.

The pain in his arm began to fade. Other sensations rushed between his legs as he observed the exquisite young witch that lay in his bed. He wondered for the thousandth time why she willingly slept next to him when she could have the world.

The burning had almost subsided and Severus was more interested in alleviating his cock that now strained against his boxers. He draped an arm over Cassie's stomach as he moved over her, freeing her breasts from the top of her nightie. He leaned down to kiss her neck and nibble her jaw as she stirred.

"Mmm," she moaned lightly. "Morning, Sev."

"Good morning, my love." He caught her bottom lip between his teeth, making her sigh deeply. "Are you ready to start the day?"

"I'm ready for whatever you have in mind."

He chuckled lowly. His attention went back to her bare breasts, framing the left with his middle finger and thumb. He stroked her nipple with his pointer, back and forth, and she started to make those little noises that he craved so much.

Severus lowered his head, taking a few seconds to caress her nipple with the tip of his tongue before sucking it completely into his mouth. She buried her hands into his black hair with a cry, urging him on, encouraging his obsession. He could worship her porcelain breasts forever, he thought. He let go of her with a small pop and admired her blushing skin wet with his saliva. He shifted so he could give the other breast the same treatment and she gripped his hair harder, her other arm wrapping around his back to hold him to her. She was desperate to have him as close to her as possible. The very thought made him soar.

As Severus's need for intimacy was fulfilled in the arms of his lover, his sexual need intensified. His cock pushed against the cloth of his underwear, becoming increasingly uncomfortable and he ground his hips against her. She opened her legs to him, pulling him harder against her chest, welcoming him to his favorite place in existence.

Cassie helped him strip his boxers, her petite hands throwing the garment to the side, forgotten. Where they were headed, no barriers could exist. She gripped him tightly, giving him one long stroke that made him nearly lose his mind, and opened her thighs wider.

He pressed into her slick entrance, burying himself into her with one snap of his lithe hips. He couldn't get enough of the way she cried out into the darkness of the room in unbridled pleasure, pleasure that he was creating after countless encounters that taught him what she liked. The way her pussy clenched him, so warm, so wet, so unendingly perfect. He shifted so he could suckle at her breasts again and her juices drenched the dark grey sheets underneath them. As he felt her near walls flutter around him, he pulled away from her breasts, shifting his attention to her sensitive bundle of nerves, circling it with his thumb. Her moans rivaled a seraph's song.

She reached her climax as he did. Severus felt whole in her embrace but cumming with her was transcendency, as close to herculean as a fuck-up from the slums of Cokeworth could ever hope to feel. As he coated her walls with his cum, she pulled and gripped at him like a vice, and he groaned into the crook of her neck. Surely fortuity had made a massive mistake in allowing him such bliss. He was already looking forward to the next round as he softened and removed himself from her, but for now, he needed rest. Panting, he landed at her side as he collapsed onto the bed. She rolled toward him to wrap her arms around him and bury her face in his hair.

It was a glorious start to their Christmas Day, indeed.

They had breakfast in their chambers. After eating a hearty portion of smoked salmon omelets and toast, they exchanged gifts. Severus gave Cassie a silver, partridge-shaped hair clip that she fully intended to wear to the Yule Ball. She gifted him a large supply of shankhpushpi and a potions book written entirely in Hindi.

They had their second round in bed straight after opening gifts. After riding Severus to orgasm, Cassie was exhausted. She hoped it was the physical activity and extra dose of endorphins that made her insistent on an early afternoon nap. She loathed the idea of taking extra doses of potions and worrying Severus on Christmas.

Eight o'clock approached and Cassie headed to the wardrobe to get ready. She had kept her dress robes a secret from Severus and so she banished him from their private quarters until she was ready. Giddy with excitement, she slipped on her dark green dress quickly, admiring the silver trimmings as she twirled her skirt around in a circle. With the help of a few charms, her makeup went on with ease and she curled her black locks, letting them fall down her open shoulders. The final touch was to add her new hairpin, and she used it to pull the hair away from one side of her face.

"Well," Cassie said as she stepped through to Severus's office. "What do you think?"

She knew seeing Severus's pleased face. His jaw was slack, an uncommon look for him, and his black eyes feasted over her like a horny schoolboy.

"Slytherin green," he purred, stepping toward her. "That's my girl."

"You look irresistible," she said, admiring the silver details on his black dress robes. She had seen the same set of robes several times at Malfoy Manor, but she wasn't about to complain. She always admired how handsome he looked in them, and this time was no different.

For once willing to show some affection in public, Severus walked arm-in-arm with Cassie as they joined the flow of students going to the Great Hall. The engaged couple was greeted with low whistles and excited whispers as they stepped off the dungeon staircase.

Cassie greeted students as they made their way to the doors, but Severus only gave chattering students unamused glances that silenced them immediately.

The staff entered the Great Hall before anyone else. Cassie took the opportunity to admire the sparkling, frosted walls and mistletoe and ivy-covered ceiling before the entire student body filled the hall.

"Mistletoe!" Sprout, who was seated next to Sinistra, shouted. She slopped some wine onto the freshly pressed white tablecloth. "I think it calls for the betrothed couple to smooch!"

An annoyed, low growl left Severus's throat, but it was drowned out by the hollering of several other staff members. Hagrid was clapping and cheering so hard that he nearly fell from his chair, and Dumbledore raised his glass and shot them a wink.

"One kiss before the students are here," Cassie said quietly, nudging Severus's ribs. "Think of it as practice for our wedding."

Her comment clearly caught Severus off guard. Dumbfounded, he stared at her with calculating eyes before catching her in a close-mouthed kiss. Her heart soared as he dipped her a little, and her heartbeat drowned out the cheering from her buzzed colleagues.

Severus straightened them out and broke the kiss. As Cassie pulled away, laughing, she noticed a blonde figure standing behind him. Her eyes focused on a scowling Kalina, wearing a flowy rose-colored dress.

Kalina seemed to catch herself as Cassie looked at her in concern. Kalina turned away quickly, her hand covering her mouth as she hurried after Karkaroff to the head table.

Severus led Cassie to where Hagrid, Flitwick, and Charity sat. Flitwick immediately explained how he placed the decorations on the enchanted ceiling, and Charity was asking Cassie about her dress. Cassie's mind was elsewhere. Twice, she glanced over at Kalina, but the blonde had her head bowed as Karkaroff talked to Madam Maxime.

"Severus," said Cassie quietly as Charity and Hagrid were engrossed in a conversation about Maxime's flying horses, "Is Kalina alright?" Severus turned his head slightly, for the first time noticing his apprentice since they had entered the Great Hall. His eyes narrowed as he took in her appearance.

"Her uncle can look after her for the time being," he said under his breath.

Cassie was about to insist that he go over to the head table to check on her when the doors banged open. Students began to pour in and fill the empty chairs, the volume of the room increasing almost instantly. Kalina would have to wait.

Draco caught Cassie's attention as he passed her table, winking as he sat next to Pansy. Cassie mouthed 'You look good!' to him and he dismissed her with a wave of his hand and a smug smile.

The three champions and their partners were paraded in and were greeted with massive applause. Cassie would be willing to bet that the majority of everyone in the room was surprised to see Hermione Granger on Viktor Krum's arm. Pansy was shrieking something that couldn't be heard over the commotion, but Draco didn't seem to be listening. His eyes were on Hermione as she approached the head table with Krum.

McGonagall joined Cassie and Severus's table after her Deputy Headmistress duties were over. She seemed eager to consume several goblets of wine throughout the meal, and as desserts appeared on the glittering golden plates, her cheeks had pinkened significantly.

"So," she said, looking between Severus and Cassie as a bite of tiramisu sat forgotten on her fork. "When exactly are the two of you planning on getting married?"

Cassie cleared her throat, reaching for her wine goblet as Severus did the same beside her. "The date hasn't been set."

"And why ever not?" McGonagall demanded, leaning on one elbow and narrowing her eyes as she stared into their souls.

"Minerva, perhaps you should switch to water," said Severus icily.

"Don't you attempt that wet blanket routine, not tonight!" the Head of Gryffindor countered. "Why the wait, Severus? Don't tell me you have cold feet already!"

Severus was gritting his teeth. "There are extenuating circumstances that need to be taken into account - "

"Oh!" McGonagall interrupted with an irritated wave of her hand. "I don't want to hear excuses, Severus Snape!"

Severus shoved his chair back from the table and stood so quickly that Cassie couldn't possibly follow him in her current attire. She watched him storm off, then turned back to finish off her wine in one big gulp. When it was gone, she pushed her chair back, careful not to catch her skirt. She stood carefully on her heels and scanned the room for a tall, black-haired, and stubborn wizard.

Instead of leaving the Great Hall as Cassie expected, Severus had gone to check on Kalina. The two of them were standing closely together behind Kalina's chair, and even from this far away Cassie could tell that Severus was concerned with what she was saying. All at once, Kalina turned and walked away from Severus, leaving him to stand there looking perplexed. Cassie couldn't begin to fathom what had just taken place.

The Weird Sisters took the stage and the lights dimmed. Severus disappeared through one of the side chamber doors as the champions left their seats to open the ball. Cassie, unsure of what to do, sat back down and fluffed her green skirt.

The champions danced for a few minutes to the slow, mournful tune. Cassie searched the room again but saw no sign of Severus, and it seemed that Karkaroff had also disappeared. More students were moving to the dance floor. After another goblet of wine, she navigated through the crowd of students and out to the grounds.

As the dance had only begun, most of the students were still in the Great Hall. Cassie wandered through the grotto, trying to admire the fairy lights while wondering where her fiancé had disappeared to. Perhaps the very idea of marrying her had scared him off - was he in the dungeons taking some alone time to think, or had he left the grounds altogether?

Harry and Ron met her coming from the opposite direction. Ron went off about Hermione being there with Krum and Cassie managed enough brainpower to chastise them both for ignoring their dates, but she really didn't care all that much. They parted ways.

Kalina was on a white, wing-shaped bench by herself. Cassie recognized her blonde hair and elegant neck as she approached from behind. She stopped in her path when she saw the witch's shoulders shaking. She didn't have the emotional capacity to deal with someone else's problems, not tonight.

Cassie was over the Yule Ball and its stupid fairy lights and music and dancing. She wanted to take off her outrageous dress and throw her heels into the Black Lake. All she wanted was to find Severus.

She touched her fingers to her lips, using the remnants of his tight-lipped kiss to perform a tracking spell. The small orb of light mixed in well with the thousands of fairies, leading her back to the castle.

Severus was in the Great Hall, seated at their table. Waiting for her.

"Cassie," he said, rising to his feet. Tall, dark, and perfect. The thought that he might not want her shattered her heart.

"I want to leave - " she started. His eyes narrowed in concern. It was the same way he had looked at Kalina earlier that night.

"If that's what you would like, I can accompany you to the dungeons," said Severus.

"No, I want you with me," she breathed.

"I must assist with chaperoning." He squeezed her upper arm to reassure her. "I am one of the few sober staff here. But if you are tired, I can escort you - "

"No!" she insisted. "Dance with me!"

The Weird Sisters had just started a slow number so Severus pulled Cassie into his arms, humoring her hysteria. They had performed countless waltzes and foxtrots at Malfoy Manor over the years, but now, they embraced more than danced. Cassie buried her face into his chest and breathed in his scent as they circled on the spot. Slowly, her racing heart began to steady. The fact that he was holding her calmed her.

The song ended, jumping into a fast tune. Cassie pulled back to look at her lover, searching his onyx eyes. "Severus, why don't you want to marry me?"

It seemed like an eternity as he stared back at her. She could see the pain behind those dark pools of black.

Severus didn't speak as he pulled away from her. He grasped her hand in his to lead her from the Great Hall. They needed to talk, and for that, they would need privacy.