The Partial Truth About Future

The bartender saw that they were the only ones that haven't left just yet. It was closing time, and around the time the special task force would be coming to make sure that no one was out after the bells rang. He went up to the table and knocked on top of it. "Oi! It's time to shove off. You need to leave."

Yoshimoto who had consumed several drinks was belligerent when the bartender spoke to him. "Y-you cant tell us what to *hic* do. We aren't ready *hic* to go."

"Sir the government bells have already rang. We need to leave."

Kenshin and Shingen unaware of what that meant looked to each other with confusion on their faces. They were still sober to want understanding. Kenshin spoke to the man in front of him. "What do you mean government bells?"

"You don't know? Then ask your friend to tell you but you have to leave now." He started to pull on their arms to get them up. Confused the two of them stood, while Yoshimoto was pulling away. "You have to leave." Shingen took that chance to pick Yoshimoto up and sling him onto his back. "You're making trouble Yoshi. Let's leave this place."

Kenshin flicked Yoshimoto on the forehead. "You are just a child getting drunk off of only several drinks. You should be ashamed to even ask us out to drink if you can't hold your liquor."

Yoshimoto mumbled incoherently as they tried to navigate back towards the residence. They passed by the animal store once more, a feeling of sadness tightened on his heart. Animals should be free to roam as they like not kept in cages. He stopped just in front of the glass window looking remorseful. Shingen noticed that a shorter presence was no longer near him. He took the time to turn around. He could see what was going through his heart. "Kenshin, if you keep staring at those animals like that. I may just get jealous."

Hearing his idiotic words, Kenshin turned to him and frowned. "Why would you even say something as ridiculous as that? How could you be so nonchalant about this. Its horrible."

"We have to get inside. Why waste time on caring about what they do in this time. We'll be going back home eventually. You shouldn't get too wrapped up in it. Now let's go."

Yoshimoto started to rouse himself. ".. mmm Lem me go. Shtupid." He moved around a bit more causing Shingen to try and hold on to him. Kenshin quickly jogged to help Shingen. Yoshimoto soon covered his mouth. Just as Kenshin was about to speak, he turned towards his direction and vomited on Kenshin's clothing. Only a little of it went into his partially opened mouth. The smell of alcohol and bile soaked into his skin. Shingen stopped long enough to look at him and laugh. That laugh only infuriated Kenshin. He was about to reach for his sword. When he remembered that his sword was not on him. Yoshimoto had already fallen to sleep after projecting his contents on to him.

Kenshin was livid. How could this have happened? Why would he ask them to go drinking if this weakling if a man couldn't hold his contents. He began spitting to get it out. Soon he felt sick to his stomach and started to vomit on the street. Shingen refused to leave him, although he laughed at Kenshin's misfortune. His laughter lured the special task force to them.

"State your name and why are you out after the curfew went into affect?"

Shingen shielded his eyes with the back of his arm while still doing his best to hold Yoshimoto. "What curfew?"

The man in front of him lowered his hololight, but his partner did not. "Sir, are you saying you are unaware of the curfew?"

"Well yes. We've only just arrived here and this person." He motioned to Yoshimoto on his back. "Took us out to drink and well he just couldn't hold his liquor."

The man looked past Shingen to see Kenshin's hand near his stomach crouched over. He looked sick and dirty. "I see. Well. The city of Tokyo has a curfew. All residents should be in their homes before the last strike of the bell. For now we will give you a warning considering you weren't aware. Take your friend and get home."

Kenshin finally was near Shingen to have heard the partial explanation. "Why is there a curfew?"

The man stepped back upon smelling the essence that surrounded him. His thumb and index finger pinched his nostrils closed to keep from smelling it. "We have a curfew to make sure that the citizens are protected."

"Protect from what? What could be so bad to have a curfew?"

"Kenshin, we just discussed this. We shouldn't get involved."

Kenshin looked at him from the side. "But we're here for how long. We should know."

"We just enforce the law. So please return inside."

Kenshin was about to speak until Shingen shifted Yoshimoto's weight and took hold of Kenshin's hand. "Thank you. We will be on our way." He pulled Kenshin along, past the men. Once they were out of earshot Shingen began to scold Kenshin. "We shouldn't meddle in their time. You never know what this could do to us. Why must you be so short sighted and inquisitive?"

"There is nothing wrong with asking questions. It is through questions that we receive knowledge. How could you stand to be willfully ignorant?"

"I would prefer to go home versus inquiring knowledge about a time that I will not be living in for much longer. What will you do with the knowledge you gain here? We have not the tools to implement it in our time."

They had reached the building. It was a struggle to get through the doors without the help of Yoshimoto. After several turns around the revolving doors the managed to get out of the doors and into the elevator. They punched the correct floor in and headed up. Kenshin was in a foul mood. The words Shingen spoke to him resonated with him. How would learning things of this time help them in their own? The machine dinged signaling they arrived at their destination. Shingen headed out first to see that Yoshimoto's wife was waiting for them.

"I was worried you all were arrested. Thank the task force you weren't."

Kenshin followed behind him, still mulling over their predicament. He looked up at her. "We were given a pardon for the time being."

"Yes, with us being new to Tokyo they gave us a warning. My goddess where would you like your drunken husband to be laid?"

She lead Shingen into a separate room where he placed Yoshimoto on the bed. She rubbed his back trying to entice him. "Please excuse me. Kenshin needs someone right now and that's me."

Shingen went back to where Kenshin was and wrapped his arms around his shoulders. Resting his chin on the top of his head. "If you insist on sulking because of what I said I wont let you go."

He squirmed in his embrace trying to free himself. "I would much rather kill you for even touching me like this, but I know you are in your own way trying to make me feel better. Now will you let me go. We should still learn why there is a curfew. It could impede on us going back."

"Yes, you have a point there. I was wrong to say we shouldn't concern ourselves. What do you say we go to bed together."

Kenshin pushed him away and punched him in the stomach. Stop flirting with me."

Shingen doubled over in pain and laughed. "You should just go wash up. Before we get to sleep together."

"You just want another reason to die don't you?"

"If a beauty like you were to kill me I would die a happy man."

"… I hate you." He stormed into the room they had changed in earlier.