Steve's POV.
1945 5th February.
I'm crashing the plane Valkyrie in the Arctic. I closed my eyes thought about how I'm gonna die and never be able to help people again, then an image of Peggy appeared in my mind, I'll never be able to see her again, kiss her or love her and that's my greatest regret that I hadn't given in to my feelings.
While I'm thinking I suddenly noticed that the Valkyrie isn't falling anymore, in fact, everything stopped even the flames in the back of the plane are still.
Suddenly I hear coughing and when I turn to the source I see a man standing with his arms behind his back wearing a black Japanese kimono with a white haori he also had long black hair that almost reaches his ankles. Finally, he had bright red eyes.
My mind is screaming for me to run but my legs won't respond and that's when I saw him open his mouth.
After using Nihility to erase time from all the universe but of course, I let Steve's time I teleported inside the Valkyrie and I found steve with his eyes closed so to get his attention I coughed.
When he saw me I could see he is analyzing me then I saw fear in his eyes so to ease him up I materialized two one-person mattresses and without talking I sat with him following my example.
"Hello, Steve my name is Cadis
." After a minute of silence, I opened the conversation.
"Nice to meet you I would have introduced myself self but you clearly know me," He said in his usual politely voice.
"HAHAHA... True very true I Known you very well so before we talk about why I'm here do you have questions?" I asked as I see he has tons of questions.
"Who are you or better yet what are you?"
"hmmm... How do I explain this? Well, steve you see at the dawn of time before the universe was created there were five beings with unimaginable power they were Nihility&Creation, Death, Entropy, Infinity, and Eternity. People now call them the Cosmic Entities. Nihility&Creation the strongest of the five found a singularity and from it, he created Six stones, the Infinity Stones named after his favorite sister, the stones are 'Space, Reality, Power, Soul, Mind, and Time' each one controls an essential aspect of existence thus, Nihility&Creation created the universe based on the aspects of the stones after which he let stones float in the universe now, here is the interesting part the cube that Schmidt had inside it is the Space Stone." I finished my explanation in one breath not that I need to breathe.
I saw his face change from confusion to surprise then full-blown awe finally horror.
"Please tell me the other Stones aren't on earth." He asked with hope.
"The only stones on earth are Space and Time but don't worry the Time Stone is Safe as for the Space Stone well no one can utilize its true potential," I responded with a reassuring tone.
"You still didn't me who you are or why you are here." He said remembering his original question.
"Oh sorry for the inconvenience let me fully introduce myself, my name is Cadis The Cosmic Entity of Nihility And Creation, Creator Of The Infinity Stones And The Universe. As for my reason for being here, it is to give you a proposition," I said with a smile while in my head I'm thinking about how cool I look now.
I watched as realization dawned on him and from his eyes all I see is respect.
"Thank you for creating this beautiful universe thus giving us the chance to live." Said, Steve with a sincere tone and while bowing his head.
'WOW... I know Steve is a respectful person but this the first time I see him bow his head he really values life' I thought.
"Steve you may be the human who values life the most and your will is among the strongest in the universe you know some people call you God's Righteous Man so as my Righteous Man I will give you a gift," I said while waving my hand, a second later Peggy appeared after I recreated her erased time.
At first, she was confused but after looking around and spotting Steve she rushed and hugged the life out of him.
"Steve, how am I here with you one second ago I was in the command center?" She asked with obvious confusion.
I saw Steven get nervous, not knowing what to say so I just waved my sending energy into Peggy's brain and I showed her my conversion with Steve her blanked for a just second after which she looked at me finally noticing me, she looked at me with visible fear and a tiny bit of respect.
"So what's the proposal you were talking about?" Peggy said but unlike Steven, she's very guarded against me, so I decided to out with it.
"Well miss Peggy if I didn't interfere here steven will get frozen in the ice only to wake up in 2012 not having aged a day, he will continue living but because of his love for you he will die a virgin," I said with a straight face while in reality, I want to explode laughing.
Steve blushed like a maiden while Peggy is trying to contain her laugher and when she finally cracked I couldn't contain myself anymore and laughed along with her.
A minute later I composed my and put on a serious expression.
"Peggy you have two options:
1- I erase your memory of this meeting and you continue your life not knowing Steve is alive.
2- I make you a Super Soldier like Steve and let you two get frozen together so you can wake up with him in 2012.
So which one will you chose?" I asked with a serious tone.
Peggy gained a thoughtful expression and can see that steve had a hopeful one, she then looked at steve.
"Steve, do you love me?" Said, Peggy.
"Didn't you hear what Raizel said." Said Steve.
"I heard but I want to hear it from you."
"I love you, Peggy, to the point I'd die a virgin without you." Said Steve trying to add a little humor to the situation.
"Good, I love you too Steve very much." Said, Peggy with a soft tone.
Then they began kissing, seconds later I was beginning to feel awkward.
"Please keep the public display of affection to a minimum, So Peggy I take it you chouse the second option?" I asked making Peggy nod.
After analyzing Steve body I found that his DNA is very weak thus not being able to utilize the full potential of the Super Soldier serum so with my creative powers I fixed his DNA I estimate when he wakes up he'll be three times stronger than now and after changing Peggy she'll wakeup two times stronger than the current steve.
'Weird why is Peggy weaker. Is it because of her female body?' I thought.
With a wave of my hand, Peggy's body changed to a body of someone who had taken the serum and she didn't even feel a thing.
"Done. Steve, I fixed your medical condition before you took the serum so when you wake up you'll be 3 times stronger than now, and Peggy because of your female body you'll have about 2\3 of Steve's strength of course if you want I can turn you into a male." I said while finishing the final part with a smirk.
"No no no I'm already satisfied!!" Said Peggy with horror a thought of turning into a male.
"Alright, you two hug each other I'll make it so you don't get separated, and don't worry as soon as the plane touches the water you'll already be sleeping so you won't feel a thing," I said while using my void energy to make energy cloak around them.
"See you guys in 70 years," I said with a smile before teleporting out the plane and recreating time in all the universe.
'Now time to meet my future wife...Hopefully.' I thought after confirming that the plane crashed and that the couple is safe.